Bleach – Episode 165 “Murderous Intent! The Joyful Grimmjow”


Ok back again for another week of Bleach. Begins with Ishida and Renji wtfing about mad man going to change his clothes. Followed by 4 vs 6 and finally Ichigo vs Grimmjow.


For more details, pictures, a summary and thoughts… Continue reading

Bleach – Episode 164 “Ishida’s Strategy, the 20-second Offense and Defense”


Ok jumping right back in the deep end from the clif hanger ending of Ep 165. Ichigo is dying after just being stabbed by Ulquiorra. Ishida and Renji are fighting Szayel Aporro Granz with nothing but a shinkai and Ishidas brain.

“Im sick and tired of BS titles. This took longer that 20sec”

For more details, pictures, a summary and thoughts… Continue reading